
Performance Consulting

Transformational career-oriented programs that empowers you to unleash your fullest potential to be extraordinary.

HRnet Performance Consulting is built as the training arm of HRnetOne.

Established in 2000, Performance Consulting was created to be a pivotal platform of thoughts, ideation, learning and motivation.

Our approach when working with a client goes beyond the brief. We delve deeper to understand the intricacies of your business and people so that when we deliver, it covers the unspoken too.

Our Objective

Our objective is to take working professionals on a transformational journey to be a better version of themselves.

We deliver learning experiences via powerful and innovative programs that have been developed to focus on career-oriented education. While there are basic structures that form the platform for each program, the multiple components that are layered upon it.

Each is carefully curated and personalised so that the final product is a comprehensive coverage of your business needs with results that are measureable and discernible.

Our Belief

Our belief is that the greatest asset of any organisation is its people.

They are the catalysts of change that drive results & performance.

The team at Performance Consulting focuses on working with organisations to optimise performance so that they are empowered to deliver results.

Transformational career-oriented programs that empowers you to unleash your fullest potential to be extraordinary.

Used by millions of people worldwide, the Harrison Assessments Talent System (HATS) helps companies build powerful work forces that are ideally aligned with their work and the future of the organization.

Profiling System

Profiling System

Harrison Assessment is a job suitability and behavioural competency profiling system that measures 156 individual traits, which explains and predicts job performance and position suitability for a potential candidate.

It is used for selection, promotion, retention, leadership development, communication, team building, succession planning, performance management, and increasing productivity and employee satisfaction.

Deeply Rooted Insights

Deeply Rooted Insights

This is not a personality test. It reveals deeply rooted insights that determine essential high performance traits or those that will hinder performance related to specific positions. It also pinpoints the developmental needs to achieve or increase personal satisfaction and measurable job performance.

Our methodologies are fully integrated, ensuring you achieve a comprehensive and clear overall picture for decision making.

Scientific Basis

Scientific Basis

It provides you with a scientific basis to assess candidates objectively and develop and retain them with the right motivators. HATS support each development of HR solutions using unique strategies for different purposes, with the central theme revolving around talent management, attraction and retention.

Harrison Assessment can help to:

  • Identify high potential candidates
  • Predict multi-level capabilities
  • Create accelerated development paths
  • Leverage on the talent pool
  • Increase retention

Ha Accreditation

Harrison Assessments (HA) provides a scientific basis for the selection and development of employees – saving time and cost with its ability to assess candidates objectively, as well as develop and retain them with the right motivators. Becoming accredited in HA will enable you to make best use of the possibilities available with this tool.

This unique workshop is specially designed for line/hiring managers who appreciate the practical use of the reports to understand the benefits and usage of the different types of reports available in the system.


  • The concepts of Harrison Assessments™ profiling instrument
  • Different traits and behaviours
  • Different types and application of the reports
  • Usage of reports: when, who, what and hows
  • The main graph and combination traits
  • How to interpret and balance the traits

This workshop provides you with an experience of personal insight into the leadership strengths and unconscious potential in your own Harrison Assessment profile. Understanding your style and the impact can help you develop your own, personal leadership style and help you become a more effective leader. Leaders often switch instinctively between styles, according to the people they lead and the work that needs to be done.


  • Explore and understand your strengths
  • Clarify your challenges and the characteristics needed to meet those challenges
  • Identify a clear path to greater leadership success

Engagement Surveys

Employee engagement is a key driver of organizational effectiveness and workforce performance. It is the extent to which employees think, feel, and act in ways that represent high levels of commitment to their organization. Engaged employees are motivated to contribute 100% of their knowledge, skills, and abilities to help their organization succeed. They care deeply about their company, want to contribute to its success, and regularly have peak experiences at work.

Our Employee Engagement Model measures engagement based on employee perceptions of the organization, the culture, their work and environment, and the reward and support system they received.

Leadership Development Workshop

With the increasing pressures and complexity of both work environment and team dynamics, people in charge of employees or teams are experiencing first hand that it is no longer sufficient to just manage but instead they need to start leading. Most leaders need to be nurtured and developed.

To developed effective leaders, there needs to be a structured development path. Our Development Model helps prepare individuals requires multi abilities in excellent communication, motivation and people management abilities to lead his team to peak performance.

Team Development Workshop

Talent development is essential for anyone to perform beyond their best ability in their current role and to progress within the company. It is also fundamentally important in furthering the organization’s development and growth as a whole. Development is an investment not only in the employee but also in the company’s future, because you are equipping the employee with the necessary skills for growth within the company.

In this way, investing in talent development means that you can retain staff members who provide a valuable knowledge base by enabling their growth within the business, making room for new talent to move into the roles they vacate.

Succession Planning

Future leaders must have broad-based experience to adapt their skills to a variety of possible opportunities. This means that succession planning needs to move beyond naming replacements or focusing on a single job or career path. Since succession plans are unique to each organization, HRnet Performance Consulting provides a well-designed succession management process that begins with an organization’s business strategy, corporate culture and values, ensuring you have the bench strength to fill future leader positions and accelerate organizational performance.

Train the Trainer

A 3 days intensive workshop is designed for those managers & personnel who are responsible for ensuring that staffs in organizations are fully and professionally trained. The workshop will features the latest trends and techniques in training methodology, help develop and improve their training and facilitation skill, while helping them engage their trainees in a professional and productive manner.

Consulting Services

Leadership Management and Soft Skills Development

Leadership, Management and Soft Skills Development

We’ll get straight to the point here. There are some people who are amazing at what they do – a constant top performer.

In this way, investing in talent development means that you can retain staff members who provide a valuable knowledge base by enabling their growth within the business, making room for new talent to move into the roles they vacate.

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Leadership, Management and Soft Skills Development

We’ll get straight to the point here. There are some people who are amazing at what they do – a constant top performer. Perhaps this person is ready to take a bigger role and maybe lead a team?

Well, before you take that step, consider the fact that there’s a possibility that your top performer may not do as well in a managerial position. The new role could possibly be the start to a steady decline in performance. Sounds odd we know, but unfortunately, it happens more often than you think.

Stress, expectations, changes, communication and relationships are just some of the key areas that contribute to how your talent performs in the new role. The great news is that, these are all areas that are highly manageable.

We have developed a series of modules that are specifically targeted to tackle this alleviate the common issues often associated with such a move. From team motivation to positive communication and more, we work with your talents to help them step up to the plate and succeed in their new role.

Each of these modules are highly customisable and can be spaced out over a longer duration of compressed into an intensive program.

Graduate Training Program

Graduate Training Program

We understand the intricacies that surround the selection process of a candidate. Assessing the talent’s attitude and potential to their fit with visions and culture.

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Graduate Training Program

We understand the intricacies that surround the selection process of a candidate. Assessing the talent’s attitude and potential to their fit with visions and culture. It’s difficult to find that perfect candidate who checks off every single criteria on your list.

The great news is that, your ideal candidate does not necessarily have to be the perfect fit. Especially when it comes to young graduates who may be a little rough around the edges.

This is where we come in. Think of the Graduate Training Program as a prep school for your young talents to eventually be successful at taking on leadership roles in the future.

Each program is tailored and developed to deliver a comprehensive experience for the attendee. From the full scope of Management Training services to structuring the candidate’s funnel to conducting Assessment Centres.

Competency Modelling & Performance Management

Competency modelling & Performance management

Competency Modelling is a translation of a company’s most vital information like vision, mission and direction into practical, actionable and measureable indicators.

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Competency modelling & Performance management

Competency Modelling is a translation of a company’s most vital information like vision, mission and direction into practical, actionable and measureable indicators.

The model allows you to measure current competency levels so that you may take the necessary actions to ensure that the staff are equipped with the right skill set to value add to your business. Competency Modelling is a useful tool in making informed decisions about talent recruitment, retention, and succession strategies.

Through the identification of specific behaviours and skills required for each role, it enables you to budget and plan for very specific training and development needs.

Training Services

Role of Leaders in Managing Human Capital

Role of Leaders in Managing Human Capital

Middle Management – The critical link between Organisation Strategy & Strategic Implementation Plan.

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Role of Leaders in Managing Human Capital

Middle Management – The critical link between Organisation Strategy & Strategic Implementation Plan.

This program form the basic structure for middle managers to properly understand HR roles and functions and how their role is intrinsic in attracting, engaging and retaining great talents.

What Gets Measured

What Gets Measured, Gets Done – Effective Performance Management Review

Performance Management Reviews often ranks as one of the top priorities for most organization.

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What Gets Measured, Gets Done – Effective Performance Management Review

Performance Management Reviews often ranks as one of the top priorities for most organization. However, studies have shown that only 55% of employees feel that performance appraisals are effective.

This program is developed to equip managers with the right skills & mindset in conducting Performance Management Review (PMR). The key objective of the training is not just to reveal insightful data but also to act as a tool in grooming, effective employees.

Growth Empowered Managers Series Program

Growth Empowered Managers Series (GEMS) program

The Growth Empowered Mindset Series (GEMS) is created as a platform to nurture and inculcate a growth mindset.

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Growth Empowered Managers Series (GEMS) program

The Growth Empowered Mindset Series (GEMS) is created as a platform to nurture and inculcate a growth mindset. This is based on the view that everyone is built with an intrinsic potential to develop almost any basic skills through hard work, dedication, a passion for learning & the right tools.

GEMS increases the motivation & productivity of an individual on 3 fronts – Leadership, Management & Communication. Leadership is a foundational pillar to manage people, motivation & direction. Management is another foundational pillar that focuses on managing tasks, progress & results. Communication serves as a catalyst to enhance & amplify the efficacy of both pillars.

Every module in GEMS has carefully crafted as an experiential approach to deliver optimal learning and maximum retention rate after the program.

Personal Leadership Compass

Personal Leadership Compass

This module is a deep dive into what leadership is and what it is not. Learn how everyone can benefit by viewing the role of leaders from a different perspective.

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Personal Leadership Compass

This module is a deep dive into what leadership is and what it is not. Learn how everyone can benefit by viewing the role of leaders from a different perspective.

It is through the understanding that being a leader is not simply about rising through the ranks into a new elite club. Rather, it is about how the role can be one that is filled with opportunities for positive pivotal changes when executed with purpose and passion.

Emotional Intelligences at Work

Emotional Intelligence @ Work

Our ability to deal effectively with our emotions in the work place is critical to our success as a leader.

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Emotional Intelligence @ Work

Our ability to deal effectively with our emotions in the work place is critical to our success as a leader.

Packed with skills building exercises and group activities, this one-day intensive course will provide you with the opportunity to identify your own challenges across a multitude of environments. It will delve into a deeper exploration of collaborative relationships as well as resistance and negativity.

Get in Touch

We are ambitiously determined to push career-oriented education to the next level forward via our transformational programs.

Connect with us to find out how we can make a difference to your organisation.

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